Osun State
Lagos State
07061981834 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Lagos Branch: 13, BN church street, Pako bus stop shagari estate, Ipaja, Lagos, Nigeria.
08068954927 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 No.21, adeyemi afolayan street, oroki estate, phase 2 service area, osogbo, Osun state, Nigeria.
07061981834 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 55th Floor Paulsson Bd. SF
Osun State
Lagos State
07061981834 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 Lagos Branch: 13, BN church street, Pako bus stop shagari estate, Ipaja, Lagos, Nigeria.
08068954927 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 No.21, adeyemi afolayan street, oroki estate, phase 2 service area, osogbo, Osun state, Nigeria.
07061981834 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 55th Floor Paulsson Bd. SF
Number #1
Reliable hospital in Nigeria
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A medical doctor is an agent of pharmaceutical companies who lures patients to buy drugs of high toxicity by only telling them some few benefits and cover millions of deadly dangers.Is that strange to you? Before I make myself clear,let me present a popular statement of doctor Vernon coleman: “Modern medicine is not a science and modern clinicians and medical researchers are not scientists.] Modern clinicians may use scientific techniques but in the way that they treat their...
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